What is the swine flu, The spread of swine flu, Prevention of swine flu, you need to do 8 things,

May 2, 2009

Swine Influenza Virus (Swine influenza virus, SIV) is a cause of swine influenza is endemic virus mucus (Orthomyxoviruses). Mexico now is the outbreak of swine influenza type A influenza viruses from pigs caused by respiratory infections, a preliminary study to detect the virus is influenza virus type A, carrying the H1N1 strain of swine influenza virus subtypes, including avian flu, swine three types of influenza and human influenza virus gene fragments of DNA, and swine influenza in Asia and Africa, the characteristics of swine influenza virus.
   World Health Organization said that the swine flu virus caused the outbreak of avian influenza and human influenza after "shuffling" effect generated by the new virus. After the encounter of different viruses to exchange genes, variation for the new hybrid virus, so their lack of human immunity. This will make the swine flu epidemic affected the scope and impact is difficult to estimate the follow-up. 但该病毒的攻击性,人体免疫力的个体差异和人类从对抗各种流行性感冒中所获取的综合抵抗力都是决定这次疫情状况的最重要因素。 However, the virus attacks, and the individual differences in human immunity and human influenza from the confrontation in a variety of integrated access to the decision of this disease resistance are the most important factor in the situation.

How the spread of swine flu?

猪流感的群间传播主要是以感染者的咳嗽和喷嚏为媒介,在人群密集的环境中更易发生感染,而越来越多证据显示,微量病毒可留存在桌面、电话机或其它平面上,再透过手指与眼、鼻、口的接触来传播。 Swine flu spread among the group primarily infected with the cough and sneeze for the media, in the crowded environment more susceptible to infection, and more and more evidence that the virus can be retained in the micro-desktop, telephone or other flat surface, through the fingers with the eyes, nose, mouth contact to spread.

Prevention of swine flu, you need to do 8 things

Whether the vaccine?
There is no specific swine flu vaccine, but medical experts said the current influenza vaccine for swine flu, "some force": Although the vaccine against the H1N1 virus in the composition and now the outbreak of the virus are quite different, but the vaccine can alleviate the condition, reducing the number of deaths.
Anti-influenza drug Tamiflu what?
From the characteristics of swine influenza virus, it has to amantadine, rimantadine resistance have. World Health Organization for the effective treatment of drug oseltamivir (ie, Roche production of "Tamiflu") and zanamivir

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