Bise Lahore Matric Result

Aug 1, 2011

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LAhore Board Matric result 2011

READ MORE - LAhore Board Matric result 2011

TNEA 2011 Vacancy Position

TNEA 2011 Vacancy Position

TNEA 2011 Vacancy Position will be updated here daily after the every counselling schedule ends. You can check out the vacancy position in colleges in our website.

TNEA 2011 Vacancy Position

You can check out the vacancy position in that link . you can go through the vacancy position by the branch , college , district and code wise . This will be helpful for the students who are going to attend the counselling on this year .

so please share this news with your friends in facebook,orkut,twitter and more .

thank you .

READ MORE - TNEA 2011 Vacancy Position

Anna University Counselling Vacancy Position Status 2011

Anna University Counselling Vacancy Position Status 2011

Anna University Counselling Vacancy Position Status 2011 is published here for the sack of the students who have applied for the engineering counselling of anna university chennai this year 2011 . This will be helpful for them to know the seats availability in colleges.

Anna University Counselling Vacancy Position Status 2011

Anna University Counselling 2011

Anna University Counselling 2011

The counselling of Anna University is started from the July 08 , 2011 .Based on the cutoff marks the students got in the 12th std examinations they were called to the Anna university counselling . you can check out the vacancy positions of seats in various colleges and departments of colleges .

Check out the vacancy position by branch name , college wise,college code,district in our website .

Anna University Counselling 2011 Details

The seat availability in colleges is updated daily after each and every session .

Anna University Counselling Vacancy Position STATUS

Anna University Counselling Vacancy Position Status 2011

click this link

This is hosted by the anna university and it is linked by us .

READ MORE - Anna University Counselling Vacancy Position Status 2011

tnea 2011 seats availability in vocational group

tnea 2011 seats availability in vocational group

tnea 2011 seats availability in vocational group daily

here you can check out the vocational group seats availability in colleges in the anna university counselling for TNEA 2011 .

This results will be generated everyday evening after the counselling ends on that day . you can check out all the details about the vacancy position in this link

READ MORE - tnea 2011 seats availability in vocational group

Anna University Counseling – Updated vacancy position.

Category Anna University Govt. &Govt.Aided Self Financing Grand Total
OC 1431 95 36519 38045
BCM 192 52 4394 4638
BC 1436 224 32137 33797
MBC 1120 256 25034 26410
SCA 211 133 3860 4204
SC 991 590 19204 20785
ST 75 46 1270 1391
1396 122418 129270

OC – Other Caste

BCM – Backward Caste (Muslim)

BC – Backward Caste

MBC – Most Backward Caste

SCASchedule Caste (Arundathiar)

SC – Schedule Caste

ST – Schedule Tribes

Anna University has today started the Counseling session for the general category of students and the first batch in the session has today begun at 9 am and the next batch is to be commenced at 3.00 pm. The long gap between two sessions is to hand over the counseling call letter by the distinguished guests in the Anna University. This function will be attended normally by the Education Minister of Tamil Nadu and other educationalists.

For the first batch candidates with minimum marks of 199.75 have been called for. Once the process of allotment is over, the vacancy position will be updated by the Anna University in the internet as well as in the Large screens set up in the counseling venue in the Anna University.

Today there are three more batches of students are to be counselled at 3.00 pm, 4.30 pm and 6.00 pm. Anna University will be updating the vacancy position collegewise and branchwise, this will put the candidates in a very comfortable position to know the vacancies in each college and decide in advance about the preference of branch and college.

READ MORE - Anna University Counseling – Updated vacancy position.

AP SSC Results 2011 with Marks , AP SSC Advanced Supplementary Results 2011 , Andhra Pradesh SSC 10th Class Results 2011

The Board of Secondary Education of Andhra Pradesh (BSEAP) has declared results for SSC Advanced Supplementary examination 2011. Andhara Pradesh Education Board has also declared the SSC Advanced Supplementary Exam 2011, Inter Supplementary 1st Year and 2nd Year results are expected to be declared today .Students can check there results through NDTV EXPRESS.

You can also check your results through our website or just leave your name and roll no. in the comment box below we will try to send your results through e-mail.
Thanks and best of luck from NDTV Express.

TAGS: Andhra Pradesh SSC 10th Class Results 2011, AP SSC Advanced Supplementary Results 2011, AP SSC RESULTS, AP SSC Results 2011 with Marks, AP SSC SUPPLEMENTARY EXAM RESULTS, Combined Graduate Level (Tier-II) Exam 2011, Examination 2011 (Tier I), post of statistical Investigator / Compiler, SSC CGL Tier 1 Cut Off with Marks List 2011, SSC CGL Tier 1 Result 2011, SSC Combined Graduate Level Exam 2011 Results, sscc cgl results

READ MORE - AP SSC Results 2011 with Marks , AP SSC Advanced Supplementary Results 2011 , Andhra Pradesh SSC 10th Class Results 2011

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