I have already written about
Floating Footer Navbar post to display your site information on that. Similar kind of footer was recently used by Techieblogger.com to display ads. So i decided to write a tutorial to display ads on the floating fixed footer. This footer will provide you with some extra income as the ads on this will attract more people and thus high click through ratio. But i do no recommend using Google Adsense on this footer until you are sure that fixed ads are not against their program policy. But you may use other alter natives such as
Adbrite . So to add this footer with ads to your blog follow these steps:
- In Your Blogger. Go to
- Layout > Page Elements.
- Click on Add a Gadget.
- Select HTML/JavaScript.
- Copy the code below and Save. (Make few edits as mentioned below)-
Replace YOUR AD CODE TO FLOAT TO LEFT SIDE with the(468x60) ad code that you want to display towards left.
Replace YOUR AD CODE TO FLOAT TO RIGHT SIDE with the ad code(468x60) that you want to display towards right.
It is a request to you that please do not remove the link to us in the widget, It is the only thing i ask you for this Gadget.