t's easy and simple as 123 to make your own running XP Genuine, so than you can download the facilities provided by the Microsoft Corporation and you can check the validation of your XP. And it will boost your PC automatically so if you have any problem regarding using the XP (not original) than make it original and solve your problem.
For further details e-mail me with the subject of "Genuine XP" at iq_hi1@hotmail.com.
Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V, the next-generation hypervisor-based server virtualization technology, is available as an integral feature of Windows Server 2008 and enables you to implement server virtualization with ease. Hyper-V allows you to make the best use of your server hardware investments by consolidating multiple server roles as separate virtual machines (VMs) running on a single physical machine. With Hyper-V, you can also efficiently run multiple different operating systems—Windows, Linux, and others—in parallel, on a single server, and fully leverage the power of x64 computing.
Microsoft Hyper-V Server is a stand-alone product that provides a simplified, reliable, cost-effective, and optimized virtualization solution enabling organizations to improve server utilization and reduce costs. It allows organizations to consolidate workloads onto a single physical server and is a good solution for organizations that want a basic and simplified virtualization solution for consolidating servers as well as for development and test environments. Low utilization infrastructure workloads, departmental applications, and simple branch office workloads are also candidates to virtualize using Hyper-V Server.
A key benefit of virtualization is the ability to run multiple operating systems on a single physical system and share the underlying hardware resources known as partitioning.
Hardware-level virtualization, Operating systemlevel virtualization, and high-level language virtual machines.
For Unix/RISC and industry-standard x86 systems, the two approaches typically used with software-based partitioning are hosted and hypervisor architectures . A hosted approach [...]
This post will be written in Portuguese due to it's local nature. It's purpose is just to inform about a local half-day session covering several recent news and announcements about Informix.
A Companhia IBM Portuguesa vai realizar uma sessão de meio-dia, no dia 24 de Março, no IBM Forum Lisboa, localizado nas instalações da IBM. Esta sessão servirá para dar a conhecer aos clientes e parceiros as últimas novidades e próximos passos no que diz respeito ao Informix.
Os temas cobertos incluirão o recente anúncio sobre o Informix Warehouse Feature, bem como as próximas novidades a incluir na versão 11.50.xC4. Para além dos aspectos mais técnicos serão abordados também aspectos de integração com outros componentes do portfolio da IBM, nomeadamente Cognos e Optim.
A sessão contará com a presença de oradores internacionais, membros da equipa de Information Management da IBM.
Para além do evento dedicado ao Informix serão realizados durante o mês de Março outras sessões sobre Lotus, Rational e Maximo (asset management). A informação e registo destes eventos encontra-se na mesma página. Pode obter mais informações sobre o IBM Forum Lisboa (localização, como chegar etc.) em http://www.ibm.com/pt/ibmforum/
Se utiliza Informix ou se quer saber mais sobre esta base de dados da IBM não deixe de comparecer. Obterá informação sobre o que está a ser disponibilizado e planeado e terá oportunidade de contactar e trocar impressões com a equipa IBM local e da região, com parceiros e outros clientes.