To connect via the console to a Cisco device, your terminal emulation program needs to be set to the following specifications. (Later in this paper, we’ll tell you how to change the console speed.) Baud rate: 9600 bps, Data bits: 8, Parity: None, Stop bits: 1, Flow control: None. These are the default settings for both the console and the auxiliary ports.
Although the console port defaults to a blazing 9600 bps, some router models will allow you to increase the console speed to as high as 115200. Increasing the console speed has its advantages. At face value, it will enhance the response time when typing at the console and will allow console messages to be sent to the console faster. But more importantly, it is useful for those times when you have to upgrade the IOS through the console port. To change the console speed, you simply use the speed command in line-configuration mode for console 0. The syntax for the speed command is speed
line console 0
speed 115200