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Hakikat manusia menurut Islam
Dalam teori pendidikan lama, yang dikembangkan didunia barat, dikatakan bahwa perkembangannya seseorang hanya dipengaruhi oleh pembawaan (nativisme) sebagai lawannya berkembang pula teori yang mengajarkan bahwa perkembangan seseorang hanya ditentukan oleh lingkungannya (empirisme), sebagai sintesisnya dikembangkan teori ketiga yang mengatakan bahwa perkembangan seseorang ditentukan oleh pembawaan dan lingkungannya (konvergensi)
Manusia adalah makhluk utuh yang terdiri atas jasmani, akal, dan rohani sebagai potensi pokok, manusia yang mempunyai aspek jasmani, disebutkan dalam surah al Qashash ayat : 77 :
“Carilah kehidupan akhirat dengan apa yang dikaruniakan Allah kepadamu tidak boleh melupakan urusan dunia “
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Pelaksanaan Keigiatan Pengembangan Diri
Secara konseptual, dalam Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 22 Tahun 2006 kita mendapati rumusan tentang pengembangan diri, sebagai berikut :
Pengembangan diri bukan merupakan mata pelajaran yang harus diasuh oleh guru. Pengembangan diri bertujuan memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik untuk mengembangkan dan mengekspresikan diri sesuai dengan kebutuhan, bakat, dan minat setiap peserta didik sesuai dengan kondisi sekolah. Kegiatan pengembangan diri difasilitasi dan atau dibimbing oleh konselor, guru, atau tenaga kependidikan yang dapat dilakukan dalam bentuk kegiatan ekstrakurikuler. Kegiatan pengembangan diri dilakukan melalui kegiatan pelayanan konseling yang berkenaan dengan masalah diri pribadi dan kehidupan sosial, belajar, dan pengembangan karir peserta didik.
Berdasarkan rumusan di atas dapat diketahui bahwa Pengembangan Diri bukan merupakan mata pelajaran yang harus diasuh oleh guru. Dengan sendirinya, pelaksanaan kegiatan pengembangan diri jelas berbeda dengan pelaksanaan kegiatan belajar mengajar mata pelajaran. Seperti pada umumnya, kegiatan belajar mengajar untuk setiap mata pelajaran dilaksanakan dengan lebih mengutamakan pada kegiatan tatap muka di kelas, sesuai dengan alokasi waktu yang telah ditentukan berdasarkan kurikulum (pembelajaran reguler), di bawah tanggung jawab guru yang berkelayakan dan memiliki kompetensi di bidangnya. Walaupun untuk hal ini dimungkinkan dan bahkan sangat disarankan untuk mengembangkan kegiatan pembelajaran di luar kelas guna memperdalam materi dan kompetensi yang sedang dikaji dari setiap mata pelajaran.
Sedangkan kegiatan pengembangan diri seyogyanya lebih banyak dilakukan di luar jam reguler (jam efektif), melalui berbagai jenis kegiatan pengembangan diri. Salah satunya dapat disalurkan melalui berbagai kegiatan ekstra kurikuler yang disediakan sekolah, di bawah bimbingan pembina ekstra kurikuler terkait, baik pembina dari unsur sekolah maupun luar sekolah. Namun perlu diingat bahwa kegiatan ekstra kurikuler yang lazim diselenggarakan di sekolah, seperti: pramuka, olah raga, kesenian, PMR, kerohanian atau jenis-jenis ekstra kurikuler lainnya yang sudah terorganisir dan melembaga bukanlah satu-satunya kegiatan untuk pengembangan diri.
Di bawah bimbingan guru maupun orang lain yang memiliki kompetensi di bidangnya, kegiatan pengembangan diri dapat pula dilakukan melalui kegiatan-kegiatan di luar jam efektif yang bersifat temporer, seperti mengadakan diskusi kelompok, permainan kelompok, bimbingan kelompok, dan kegiatan-kegiatan lainnya yang bersifat kelompok. Selain dilakukan melalui kegiatan yang bersifat kelompok, kegiatan pengembangan diri dapat dilakukan pula melalui kegiatan mandiri, misalnya seorang siswa diberi tugas untuk mengkaji buku, mengunjungi nara sumber atau mengunjungi suatu tempat tertentu untuk kepentingan pembelajaran dan pengembangan diri siswa itu sendiri.
Selain kegiatan di luar kelas, dalam hal-hal tertentu kegiatan pengembangan diri bisa saja dilakukan secara klasikal dalam jam efektif, namun seyogyanya hal ini tidak dijadikan andalan, karena bagaimana pun dalam pendekatan klasikal kesempatan siswa untuk dapat mengembangkan dan mengekspresikan diri sesuai dengan kebutuhan, bakat, dan minatnya relatif terbatasi. Hal ini tentu saja akan menjadi kurang relevan dengan tujuan dari pengembangan diri itu sendiri sebagaimana tersurat dalam rumusan tentang pengembangan diri di atas.
Dibandingkan dengan kurikulum sebelumnya, dalam Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan terjadi pengurangan jumlah jam efektif setiap minggunya, namun dengan adanya pengembangan diri maka sebetulnya aktivitas pembelajaran diri siswa tidaklah berkurang, siswa justru akan lebih disibukkan lagi dengan berbagai kegiatan pengembangan diri yang memang lebih bersifat ekspresif, tanpa “terkerangkeng” di dalam ruangan kelas.
Kegiatan pengembangan diri harus memperhatikan prinsip keragaman individu. Secara psikologis, setiap siswa memiliki kebutuhan, bakat dan minat serta karakateristik lainnya yang beragam. Oleh karena itu, bentuk kegiatan pengembangan diri pun seyogyanya dapat menyediakan beragam pilihan.
Hal yang fundamental dalam dalam kegiatan Pengembangan Diri bahwa pelaksanaan pengembangan diri harus terlebih dahulu diawali dengan upaya untuk mengidentifikasi kebutuhan, bakat dan minat, yang dapat dilakukan melalui teknik tes (tes kecerdasan, tes bakat, tes minat dan sebagainya) maupun non tes (skala sikap, inventori, observasi, studi dokumenter, wawancara dan sebagainya).
Dalam hal ini, peranan bimbingan dan konseling menjadi amat penting, melalui kegiatan aplikasi instrumentasi data dan himpunan data, bimbingan dan konseling seyogyanya dapat menyediakan data yang memadai tentang kebutuhan, bakat, minat serta karakteristik peserta didik lainnya. Data tersebut menjadi bahan dasar untuk penyelenggaraan Pengembangan Diri di sekolah, baik melalui kegiatan yang bersifat temporer, kegiatan ekstra kurikuler, maupun melalui layanan bimbingan dan konseling itu sendiri.
Namun harus diperhatikan pula bahwa kegiatan Pengembangan Diri tidak identik dengan Bimbingan dan Konseling. Bimbingan dan Konseling tetap harus ditempatkan sebagai bagian integral dari sistem pendidikan di sekolah dengan keunikan karakteristik pelayanannya.
Terkait dengan penyelenggaraan bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah kemungkinan besar akan menggunakan konsep baru menggantikan Pola 17 yang selama ini diterapkan. Ke depannya kemungkinan akan digunakan konsep baru yang lebih dikenal sebutan Bimbingan dan Konseling Komprehensif dan Pengembangan (Developmental and Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling), dimana layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling lebih bersifat menyeluruh (guidance for all) dan tidak lagi terfokus pada pendekatan klinis (clinical atau therapeutical approach) akan tetapi lebih mengutamakan pendekatan pengembangan (developmental approach). Dalam hal ini, Sofyan S. Willis (2005) mengemukakan perbedaan dari kedua pendekatan tersebut adalah :
Pendekatan Pengembangan :
* Bersifat pedagogis
* Melihat potensi klien (siswa)
* Berorientasi pengembangan potensi positif klien (siswa)
* Menggembirakan klien (siswa)
* Dialog konselor menyentuh klien (siswa), klien (siswa) terbuka
* Bersifat humanistik- religius
* Klien (siswa) sebagai subyek memegang peranan, memutuskan tentang dirinya
* Konselor hanya membantu dan memberi alternatif-alternatif
Pendekatan Klinis (Model Lama):
* Bersifat klinis
* Melihat kelemahan klien
* Berorientasi pemecahan masalah klien (siswa)
* Konselor serius
* Klien (siswa) sering tertutup
* Dialog menekan perasaan klien
* Klien sebagai obyek
Dengan demikian, layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling yang memiliki fungsi pengembangan, seperti layanan Pembelajaran, Penempatan dan Bimbingan Kelompok kiranya perlu lebih dikedepankan dan ditingkatkan lagi dari segi frekuensi maupun intensitas pelayanannya.
Dari uraian di atas, tampak bahwa kegiatan pengembangan diri akan mencakup banyak kegiatan sekaligus juga banyak melibatkan orang, oleh karena itu diperlukan pengelolaan dan pengorganisasian tersendiri. Namun secara prinsip, bahwa pengelolaan dan pengorganisasian pengembangan diri betul-betul diarahkan untuk melayani seluruh siswa agar dapat mengembangkan dirinya secara optimal, sesuai bakat, minat, dan kebutuhannya masing-masing dan pengembangan diri menjadi wilayah garapan bersama antara komponen pembelajaran dan komponen Bimbingan dan Konseling di sekolah dengan keunikan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya masing-masing.
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Sejarah perkembangan pendidikan di indonesia
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Petisi Peningkatan Kualitas Pendidikan Nasional - The Petition Site
Petisi ini dibuat untuk menarik perhatian pemerintah Indonesia. Kami, sebagai rakyat Indonesia, menginginkan pemerintah (865 signatures on petition)
Namun sayangnya, perkembangan pendidikan tersebut tidak diikuti dengan peningkatan kualitas pendidikan yang sepadan. Akibatnya, muncul berbagai ketimpangan
Meningkatnya pemerataan dan kualitas pendidikan Meningkatkan mutu
Meningkatnya pemerataan dan kualitas pendidikan. Meningkatkan mutu dan relevansi pendidikan dasar, menengah, dan luar sekolah. Untuk mencapai sasaran
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Karena kemampuan pengambilan keputusan yang hebat, ingatannya dan kebijaksanaan yang ditunjukkannya, membran sel dianggap sebagai otak dari sel. ...
Pembicaraan:Membran sel - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia ...
membran sel merupakan lapisan yang melingdungi inti sel dan sytoplasma.membran sel membungkus organel-organel dalam sel. membran sel juga merupakan alat ...
Membran plasma atau membran sel tersusun atas molekul lemak dan protein. Molekul lemak terdiri atas dua lapis, terdapat di bagian tengah membran
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Tutorial How To Update Offline Kaspersky Antivirus
Kaspersky sendiri sebenarnya sudah menyediakan tools khusus untuk melakukan update produknya, namanya Kaspersky Updater. Tools ini bisa digunakan gratis untuk download
update semua produknya mulai Home sampai Corporate Edition.
Meskipun awalnya Tool updater ini berbasis command line, saat ini sudah ada versi GUI (graphical user Interface), dalam tampilan window, sehingga lebih memudahkan penggunaanya. Silahkan buka Link Kaspersky Update Utility untuk Download Updatenya
Silahkan download dua file diatas, GUI of Update utility dan version for Windows. Setelah selesai, buka file zip keduanya dan jadikan dalam satu folder. Selanjutnya jalankan file KasperskyUpdater.exe, untuk download update sesuai dengan versi yang bisa dipilih, seperti tampilan berikut.
Jika sudah dipilih versi yang sesuai, klik saja Apply kemudian Start untuk memulai proses update, maka akan tampil proses update kaspersky, dan tunggu sampai selesai. Jika ini update pertama kali, kemungkinan akan berlangsung lama, karena ukurannya cukup besar, bisa mencapai 30 MB. Tetapi update berikutnya harusnya berlangsung cepat, karena hanya download update terbarunya saja.
Bagaimana Proses Updatenya ?
Ketika menjalankan updater ini, maka akan terdapat dua buah folder Temp dan Updates di bawah folder yang berisi file KasperskyUpdater.exe tersebut. Folder Temp berisi file-file update sementara dan untuk sepertinya juga untuk membandingkan dengan update yang ada di server Kaspersky. Sedangkan folder Updates berisi File-file update yang sudah siap digunakan untuk meng-update kaspersky
Jika proses download update sudah selesai, kita tinggal mengatur setting di Kaspersky agar proses update tidak dilakukan online, tetapi dari folder Updates diatas. Caranya sebagai berikut :
- Klik kanan Icon Kaspersky yang ada di systray windows ( pojok kanan bawah), pilih menu Settings
- Pilih menu Update dan klik Settings…
- Klik menu + Add dan cari lokasi folder yang berisi file-file update diatas ( folder Updates hasil download diatas)
- setelah ditambahkan, hilangkan tanda check untuk “Kaspersky Lab’s Update server” dan klik OK.
- Proses selesai, untuk mengupdate, tinggal klik kanan icon Kaspersky dan pilih menu Update. Atau dari menu Utama, pilih Update dan klik Start Update
Jika kita ingin mengambil update di warnet atau komputer lain, jangan lupa menyertakan file-file di folder Temp (dan folder ini jangan dihapus), sehingga proses update bisa berjalan cepat. Untuk folder Updates, seharusnya juga bisa digunakan untuk mengupdate Kaspersky di Komputer lainnya.
Labels: Tutorial
Pendekatan Filosofi Dalam Pendidikan
Cara kerja pendekatan filsafat dalam pendidikan dilakukan melalui metode berfikir yang radikal, sistematis dan menyeluruh tentang pendidikan, yang dapat dikelompokkan ke dalam tiga model: (1) model filsafat spekulatif; (2) model filsafat preskriptif; (3) model filsafat analitik. Filsafat spekulatif adalah cara berfikir sistematis tentang segala yang ada, merenungkan secara rasional-spekulatif seluruh persoalan manusia dengan segala yang ada di jagat raya ini dengan asumsi manusia memliki kekuatan intelektual yang sangat tinggi dan berusaha mencari dan menemukan hubungan dalam keseluruhan alam berfikir dan keseluruhan pengalaman Filsafat preskriptif berusaha untuk menghasilkan suatu ukuran (standar) penilaian tentang nilai-nilai, penilaian tentang perbuatan manusia, penilaian tentang seni, menguji apa yang disebut baik dan jahat, benar dan salah, bagus dan jelek. Nilai suatu benda pada dasarnya inherent dalam dirinya, atau hanya merupakan gambaran dari fikiran kita. Dalam konteks pendidikan, filsafat preskriptif memberi resep tentang perbuatan atau perilaku manusia yang bermanfaat. Filsafat analitik memusatkan pemikirannya pada kata-kata, istilah-istilah, dan pengertian-pengertian dalam bahasa, menguji suatu ide atau gagasan untuk menjernihkan dan menjelaskan istilah-istilah yang dipergunakan secara hati dan cenderung untuk tidak membangun suatu mazhab dalam sistem berfikir (disarikan dari Uyoh Sadulloh, 1994)
Labels: News
Rilis Terbaru Apple : iPhone 3.0
Apple mengemas lebih dari 100 fitur baru ke dalam firmware iterasi ketiga untuk iPhone ini dan kelihatannya firmware ini akan jauh mengahkan OS ponsel lainnya saat dirilis di sekitar pertengahan tahun ini. Beberapa fitur baru yang diperkenalkan sudah sejak dulu dimiliki ponsel lain, tetapi ada juga sebagian fitur yang benar-benar inovatif dan akan menjadikan iPhone sebagai produk elektronik serba guna. Dari sekian banyak fitur baru yang diumumkan, mari kita lihat beberapa fitur yang menurut saya paling berguna.
Copy & Paste
Dianggap sebagai salah satu fitur yang hilang dari iPhone firmware 1.x dan 2.x, akhirnya Apple mengimplementasikan fitur yang sudah dimiliki banyak OS ponsel pintar lainnya seperti Android dan Windows Mobile.Push Notification
Salah satu penyebab populernya BlackBerry di Indonesia adalah karena BlackBerry Messenger yang selalu aktif, memungkinkan komunikasi antar pengguna BlackBerry Messenger melalui instant messaging. Pengguna iPhone tidak dapat melakukan hal ini karena iPhone tidak memperbolehkan aplikasi pihak ketiga untuk terus aktif di belakang layar dengan alasan kinerja dan pemborosan baterai.Jawaban Apple untuk masalah ini adalah push notification framework yang menggunakan layanan Apple untuk menerima notifikasi dari aplikasi pihak ketiga seakan-akan aplikasi tersebut terus berjalan di latar belakang. Apple sebelumnya sudah berjanji untuk merilis fitur ini di bulan September 2008, tetapi setengah tahun setelah itu, fitur ini masih juga tidak muncul.
Saat mengumumkan OS 3.0 dua hari lalu, barulah kita mendengar lagi datangnya push notification framework. Lihatlah video di bawah ini ini tentang alasan yang diberikan Apple tentang keterlambatan ini.
P2P Bluetooth
Apabila Anda merupakan seorang antusias game Anda tentunya tahu bahwa alasan sangat populernya Nintendo DS adalah karena fitur multiplayer melalui Bluetooth yang ditawarkan. iPhone 3.0 juga akan mendukung fitur ini dan apabila dikombinasikan dengan fitur-fitur lainnya seperti multitouch dan accelerometer, bisa Anda bayangkan banyaknya jenis game-game kreatif yang dapat Anda mainkan secara multiplayer melalui Bluetooth tanpa harus melalui jaringan IP.Lihatlah salah satu contoh game masa depan iPhone di video di bawah ini (jangan lupa untuk melihat demo sebenarnya di menit 1:25).
Tidak terbatas hanya untuk bermain game saja, koneksi P2P Bluetooth ini juga akan memungkinkan dua iPhone untuk berbagi file ataupun informasi apapun yang ada dalam ponsel mereka.
Spotlight Search
OS 3.0 menambahkan Spotlight ke halaman utama ponsel, memungkinkan pengguna untuk melakukan pencarian dalam address book, note atau informasi apapun yang tersimpan dalam ponsel tersebut. Selain itu Apple juga menambahkan fitur search ke dalam beberapa aplikasi utama seperti email, Calendar dan iPod untuk memudahkan pengguna melakukan pencarian dengan cepat.MMS
Seperti copy & paste, MMS juga merupakan salah satu fitur iPhone yang terlambat datang. iPhone generasi pertama maupun kedua tidak dapat menerima gambar, vCard ataupun audio melalui SMS. Fitur MMS kini akan datang, tetapi hanya untuk iPhone 3G saja.Landscape Keyboard
Sejak pertama kali dikeluarkan iPhone OS memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengetikkan alamat URL ke dalam Safari melalui keyboard virtual dalam tampilan landscape yang berukuran jauh lebih besar dibandingkan keyboard virtual dalam aplikasi SMS. Sejak dulu saya heran mengapa Apple tidak menambahkan keyboard landscape ke dalam semua aplikasinya sehingga pengguna harus menggunakan aplikasi pihak ketiga untuk mengetik email ataupun SMS dengan nyaman.Fitur ini akhirnya keluar di iPhone OS 3.0, menambahkan fitur landscape keyboard ke email, SMS dan notes.
Banyak Lagi
Beberapa fitur di atas hanyalah sebagian dari fitur-fitur baru yang diumumkan Apple, untuk melihat video dari acara pengumuman iPhone 3.0, kunjungi situs Apple atau baca ulasan Gizmodo tentang iPhone 3.0. iPhone OS 3.0 masih berada dalam tahap beta saat ini dan akan tersedia untuk publik di sekitar pertengahan tahun ini.
Labels: News
Standar Sarana dan Prasarana Pendidikan
Standar sarana dan prasarana merupakan kebutuhan utama sekolah juga yang harus terpenuhi sesuai dengan amanat UUSPN No 20 Th 200, PP No 19 Th 2005, dan Permendiknas No 24 Th 2007. Selain itu, juga harus memenuhi dari ketentuan pembakuan sarana dan prasarana pendidikan yang telah dijabarkan dalam: (1) Keputusan Mendiknas Nomor 129a/U/2004 tentang Standar Pelayanan Minimal Bidang Pendidikan; (2) Pembakuan Bangunan dan Perabot Sekolah Menengah Pertama Tahun 2004 dari Direktorat Pembinaan SMP; dan (3) Panduan Pelaksanaan dan Panduan Teknis Program Subsidi Imbal Swadaya: Pembangunan Ruang Laboratorium Sekolah Tahun 2007 dari Direktorat Pembinaan SMP. Standar sarana dan prasarana pendidikan yang dimaksudkan di sini baik mengenai jumlah, jenis, volumen, luasan, dan Iain-lain sesuai dengan kategori atau tipe sekolahnya masing-masing.
Labels: Others
Electric YikeBike for safe two-wheel driving
If the main thing that concerns you is green mobility the next generation gadget will save the day. Christened the YikeBike, this tantalizing replica runs on 1, 2 kW electric engine. The YikeBike seems to show amazing performance even during rush hours. Another fascinating point about the bike is its light weigh construction thanks to carbon fiber body frame.
Additional convenience for the YikeBike bike is an easy to store solution. That said, this appears to be a foldable bike that can be easily packed into your bag. And it is very intuitive in terms of folding as you could fold it in just 15 seconds. This sustainable mode of transportation measures 6 x 23, 6 x 23, 6 inches with a curb weight of only 10 kilograms.
Whether you want it to be stored in your closet or carry it, no problems and it is also safe for driving due to its electronic brakes along with a fitted anti-skid system. Being announced at EUROBIKE in early September of the year 2009, this daredevil replica is available for 4900 USD.
The YikeBike also comes equipped with a special controller used instead of traditional chain pedal, levers and a gear box. This is the first time the bicycle uses an electric anti-skid system while its zero emissions approach is a good choice for all city commuters. Additionally, the YikeBike incorporates lights for safe riding, indicators with brake lights so this is going to be a ready-to-drive vehicle.
An easiness of driving is amazing with a driver holding his hand behind. This ecologically friendly bike is ideal for traveling amounting to 9 km while its maximum speed of 20 kilometers is good enough for safe and stable driving. Its pneumatic wheels measure 20 inches for the front wheel and 8 inches for the rear wheel.
Being powered by Lithium phosphate battery, the bike takes up to 30 minutes to be fully charged while operating time is around 1000 charges. So there are no doubts that the 21 century comes close to make our driving more sustainable and safer.
Labels: Gadgets
Self-powered wheelchair to be a step forward for disabled people
There are a lot of disabled people using wheelchairs in order to move but now it seems to be possible to generate electricity while on the go. Developed by South Korean industrial designers Min-Goo Kim, Yun-Jin Chang and Su-Eun Park, these smart wheelchairs offer safe moving even at night.
This self-powered wheelchair comes equipped with included power plant that operates based on rotational wheels movement during the day to supply its LED lights installed on the wheels to make it clearly visible at night. Wherever the wheelchair’s user drives, he or she may easily monitor the reserve of power available in the batteries.
In order to do that, one should just check the LCD screen that appears to be positioned in the middle of each wheel. Once the power is accumulated it is then stored in a fitted battery so that your night driving experience could be highly illuminated.
Not only this helpful gadget is an ingenious solution to night driving but also is it a sustainable way to move. Moving by the wheelchair seems to become safer and ecologically friendly.
Labels: Gadgets
Sony Ericsson XPERIA X2 is official
We have covered the information gap about Sony Ericsson XPERIA X2 in the early July, but then we were just happy to know there will be one. Now though we are prepared to announce its official date of sales start. That will happen in Q4, but its also know that Sony Ericsson is not going to old it long till New Year Eve but put it on sale in several markets in autumn. The carriers are not yet selected so we are waiting for detail on that. For now, we got some more specification details.
Previously we where speaking of a 8 megapixel camera, 1GHz processor and Android 2.0 for the smartphone’s operating system. Things have changed. Camera pixel density was mistaken at the rate of .1, so its 8.1 Mpix XPERIA X2 will have. Processor speed is not confirmed by SE at the moment but it will any time soon. The biggest change for now is a switch to Windows Mobile 6.5. X2 was said to have an active UI and panels for better user experience.
That’s all info available at the moment, we are waiting for an official press release any time soon.
Labels: Mobile Phones
Kontron embedded computer systems - the word's best
All these and much more you can find on their official website, but still, how can that interest you? Well, if you have your own business running, then Kontron is fully capable of providing you with affordable gear, which will also be reliable and, what is even more important, future proof. First thing you should know maybe, is that Kontron has succeeded in AdvancedTCA standard based processors, carriers, etc. and AdvancedMC storage and I/O devices. Mind you that ATCA standard and AMC specification are both achievements of PICMG - a group of world leading computer manufacturers.
But that's still not all. At Kontron official website you can also find a "Hot Deals" page at which, standing back in amazement, I found most of what has been mentioned above for up to half of the regular price.
Labels: Gadgets
Sunny Flower to harness sun power as it blossoms
This solar powered charger seems to be ultra portable and if you live in a well sunlit area, you may cleverly use the sun energy. Principle of operation does not seem to be complicated as the Sunny Flower gets solar energy to power its embedded battery that offers you a green charge whenever your devices are gone flat.
Another well thought feature is its indicator light that glows every time your electronic gadget is well charged. Once enough sun power is harvested, the charger takes shape of ultra portable stick as indicated in the picture to finally charge a gadget of your preference.
Labels: Gadgets
Makalah Klasifikasi Kelompok Alga : Lingkungan Ekosistem
Sep 29, 2009
Berbeda dengan seaweed yang merupakan alga besar (Macroalga) yang tidak mempunyai akar, batang dan daun sejati. Sebagai tumbuhan tingkat tinggi, ... - 30k - Tembolok - Halaman sejenis
Document Details | Biodiversitas Alga Makro Di Pulau Dua Serang Banten
Description, Alga terdapat hampir pada semua perairan dunia, ... Kebanyakan alga termasuk filum Thallophyta anggota kelompok ini tidak mempunyai akar, ... - 14k - Tembolok - Halaman sejenis
download makalah, skripsi, dll.: Makalah Klasifikasi Kelompok Alga
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Labels: Others
Pengertian Dan Definisi Hardisk
Hardisk merupakan piranti penyimpanan, dimana data disimpan sebagai pulsa magnetik pada piringan metal yang berputar yang terintegrasi. Data disimpan dalam lingkaran konsentris yang disebut track. Tiap track dibagi dalam beberapa segment yang dikenal sebagai sector. Untuk melakukan operasi baca tulis data dari dan ke piringan, harddisk menggunakan head untuk melakukannya, yang berada disetiap piringan. Head inilah yang selanjut bergerak mencari sector-sector tertentu untuk dilakukan operasi terhadapnya. Waktu yang diperlukan untuk mencari sector disebut seek time. Setelah menemukan sector yang diinginkan, maka head akan berputar untuk mencari track. waktu yang diperlukan untuk mencari track ini dinamakan latency.
Harddisk merupakan media penyimpan yang didesain untuk dapat digunakan menyimpan data dalam kapasitas yang besar. Hal ini dilatar belakangi adanya program aplikasi yang tidak memungkinkan berada dalam 1 disket dan juga membutuhkan media penyimpan berkas yang besar misalnya database suatu instansi. Tidak hanya itu, harddisk diharapkan juga diimbangi dari kecepatan aksesnya. Kecepatan harddisk bila dibandingkan dengan disket biasa, sangat jauh. Hal ini dikarenakan harddisk mempunyai mekanisme yang berbeda dan teknologi bahan yang tentu saja lebih baik dari pada disket biasa. Bila tanpa harddisk, dapat dibayangkan betapa banyak yang harus disediakan untuk menyimpan data kepegawaian suatu instansi atau menyimpan program aplikasi. Hal ini tentu saja tidak efisien. Ditambah lagi waktu pembacaannya yang sangat lambat bila menggunakan media penyimpanan disket konvensional tersebut.
Labels: Others
Fedora 10 Joined To Windows Domain Success! Sort of
I was able to successfully join my Fedora 10 laptop to my Windows Domain. It even created a computer in my Active Directory Users and Computers folder. I followed the instruction from the following link: Fedora Core: Connecting to an ADS Server. I was able to get down towards the bottom of the instructions pertaining to creating a mount point, which I was able to do, but the last part of mounting my ADS Server Directory to which I wish to connect to, was not successful, and to be honest, kind of lost me at that point.
Now I say sort of success, because even though it said in the terminal window Join Succeeded, when I log onto my computer, I’m not able to login with my Windows account, I can only login with the account that I created when I installed Fedora. I also noticed that the name that I gave my Fedora laptop, does not end in my domain name. So I don’t think I did what I was suppose to do, correctly. So I’m off to look at some other instructions that I have, to try and do this.
Labels: Others
Pushing A Registry Change Via Group Policy
I’ve been kind of out of it the past few days, but I was successful in doing something I wanted to accomplish. I haven’t given up on trying to successfully join a Fedora box to a Windows Domain, another thing I want to accomplish, I’ve just put that off for a moment.
Windows, as you know, has it’s own disk defragmentation tool built in. I was one that never liked using the Windows defrag tool, as it never did a great job. You would run it, and after it was finished, you would run it again, and it would take sometimes just as long as the first time. No, I use PerfectDisk from Raxco Software. I actually have it installed on my server my two XP boxes, and Vista laptop. On the Raxco Software website, they had registration file that you could run on your computer that would change the default Windows defragmentation software, to PerfectDisk, so if you right clicked on your C drive, and went to Properties>Tools>Defragment Now, instead of opening the Windows defrag, it would open PerfectDisk.
Well, I wanted to learn how I could take that registration file and push it via Group Policy to my clients. There were two ways of achieving this. One was using a Startup Script, or, taking that registration file, and making a ADM file and pushing it to the clients. I chose to do a ADM file to do what I wanted.
To make the ADM file, I needed a third party tool, and downloaded a program called, NUTS (Network UTilities Set – For network administrators). Within NUTS is a tool called RegToADM, which you can create custom ADM from exported registration file.
The following instructions are what I did on my computer, and a word of caution, it’s best to test your registry changes on a test computer, any changes to your computers registry could possibly render it useless, so be careful on changes that you make.
With that said, I’m not going to go thru on how to make changes and exporting a registry file, I’m going to get to the part of making a ADM file and using that file as a group policy.
First I wanted to get my ADM file created, so I opened up RegToADM within the NUTS program:
Now you want to import the .reg file that you created, so do a File>Import REG file:
Your registry entry should now be in the REG Source column, and the it’s ADM Template output should be in the Right column:
Now we want to save the ADM Template output as a ADM Template, so do a File>Save ADM Template:
Name the ADM Template something that reflects the change that you made, and what it’s for.
Now that you have created your ADM Template, it’s time to make this a registry entry that you can push via Group Policy. Since I wanted this registry change to effect my Home Computers, I did a Create and Link a GPO Here on my Home Computers folder. When my Group Policy Object Editor window opened up, I wanted the change to reflect my Computer Configuration, so I did a Right Click on Administrative Templates folder and selected Add/Remove Templates:
The Add/Remove Templates window opens, and I selected Add so I could select the new ADM Template that I created, and clicked on Open:
After I opened the the ADM Template that I created, I highlighted the new folder that was created under Computer Configuration>Administrative Templates.
This was the area where I had some problems, because if you notice, the right hand column titled Setting, is blank:
I went ahead and pushed the newly created Group Policy, and than checked the client that I pushed to, and no changes were made, I even rebooted the machine, and logged back in, and still no changes were made.
That’s when I discovered after posting a question on a forum that I’m registered to, to make this change possible, I have to enable this policy, and since this is a unmanaged template, I have to make it possible for me to manage and to enable this new Group Policy. So to make this ADM Template possible to manage, on the tool bar of the Group Policy Object Editor select View>Filtering:
The filtering window comes up, and you’ll notice a checkmark on the bottom box that says, Only show policy settings that can be fully managed:
You want to uncheck that box, and click ok. After you have clicked ok, you will now notice that there is a setting that is possible to change, in my case it is listed as Default:
At this point, you can Right Click on the Default setting, and select Enable, which now makes the ADM Template that you created with the Registry entry that you made, possible to now push out as a Group Policy. I pushed this new policy out to a client that I wanted change, and sure enough, the registry entry was made, and when I went to Properties>Tools>Defragment Now, instead of the default Windows Defragmentation tool open, but my defragmentation tool of choice, PerfectDisk, opened.
Now I will also make known, that I did the above only on a machine that had Windows XP Professional installed, I also have a laptop, that has the same defragmentation tool mentioned above installed, but I did not push this Group Policy to it. My laptop has Windows Vista installed, and from what I have read, I would have to create a ADMX Template, instead of a ADM Template. I have also read that you can create the new ADMX Templates to Windows XP also.
I have not created a ADMX Template yet, but at the same time that there is a tool to ADM Templates, in this case RegToADM, Microsoft has a tool to create the ADMX Templates, called ADMX Migrator, which you can download by following the link below:
Download details: ADMX Migrator –Microsoft
As I have stated, I have not used this tool yet, but I’m going to test out my new fix shortly.
Labels: Tutorial
PhD Scholarships in Humanities and Social Sciences Germany 2009 2010
Info sekolah dan kuliah gratis (beasiswa) di Indonesia dan luar negeri
PhD Scholarships in Humanities and Social Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin, Graduate School of North American Studies, Germany
Graduate School of North American Studies invites applications for 11 Doctoral Grants
The Graduate School of the John F. Kennedy-Institute for North American Studies invites applications for the academic year 2010/2011. Six academic disciplines in the humanities and social sciences collaborate in offering a structured curriculum. The doctoral program is interdisciplinary in its approach and focuses on those social transformations impacting the United States and Canada at the beginning of the 21st century. Areas of emphasis include domestic and foreign policy, economic development, ethnic identity and relations, as well as recent transformations in media, art, literature, culture, and religion. The language of instruction is English.
Applicants interested in pursuing a doctorate with an emphasis in North American Studies must have a completed degree (M.A. or the equivalent) with above average marks in one of the following disciplines: American Cultural Studies, American Literature, History, Political Science, Sociology and Economics. Grants are awarded for a maximum of three years. Continued funding past the first year is based upon a positive annual evaluation of progress.
Scholarships amount to ca. 1.500 € per month.
It is also possible to apply for admission to the program independently from applying for a stipend. Guest students are welcome to stay for a period of up to one year. Guest students must be self-supporting.
All application materials (completed application form, statement of purpose of 3 pages, outline of dissertation project of 8-10 pages, curriculum vitae, two recent letters of reference, copies of earned degrees, proof of language skills, and a writing sample) must be received by January 31, 2010 at the following address:
Freie Universität Berlin
Graduate School of North American Studies
Dr. Katja Mertin, Managing Director
Lansstrasse 5-9
14195 Berlin, Germany
For further information on application requirements and the graduate program, and for the application form, please see
Please address all inquiries to our Program Assistant: office[ at ]
Labels: Education
PhD Vacancy (Electrical) at the University of Edinburgh UK
Integrated Assessment of Quality of Supply in Future Electricity Networks
(Online 15th Sept 2009 - No closing date)
This project aims to establish a generalised procedure for the successful integration of reliability, power quality, security and other relevant aspects of quality of supply analysis in an all-inclusive methodology for the assessment of system and end-user performance in future electricity networks.
The proposed methodology requires formulation of improved modelling and simulation tools, necessary for the correct analysis of future flexible and actively controlled power supply systems. The expected outcome of the proposed research is a set of new indices and performance indicators for a more accurate cost-benefit analysis and economic assessment, benchmarking and validation of the overall system and end-user quality of supply performance.
To answer these challenges, the PhD research within the project will concentrate on the development of improved component models and their use in high-performance parallel computing enabled simulation environment. A more detailed description is available here.
Necessary background: One PhD position available - you should possess a First Degree in Engineering (preferably Electrical), or in Computer Science (preferably with Electrical/Electronics). The minimum requirement is an Upper Second Class degree or equivalent. An MSc in related area and/or experience in power system simulation and modelling would be a bonus.
Funding for Home/EU students: The studentship fully covers tuition fees (�3,390 in 2009/10) and you will be paid a stipend to cover your living expenses (�13,290 tax-free in 2009/10) for a period of 3 years.
Funding for Overseas (non-EU) students: If you are coming from outside the EU then you will receive the same funding as EU students (fees + stipend, as above) but you will have to pay the tuition fee at a higher Overseas level (�14,750 in 2009/10). Accordingly, your living expenses will have to be covered from another source, as we cannot offer any further financial assistance.
Contact: Dr. Sasa Djokic, e-mail:, tel. +44 (0) 131 6505 595.
Labels: Education
MSc Scholarships at King’s College London 2010 2011
The Samuel Sebba Trust MSc Scholarships for Palliative Care 2010 at King’s College London
Eligibility criteria
* Open to all nationalities
* The MSc in Palliative Care is open to UK-based doctors, nurses, and health and social care professionals working with patients with advanced disease. i) You must have a first degree in medicine, nursing, life sciences, social sciences or other approved subject awarded by a United Kingdom university or a recognised overseas university; ii) You must be currently working in palliative care or a related field (clinical or social care, in practice or research) in the United Kingdom; iii) You must have an interest in conducting research into the assessment and management of pain associated with advanced disease (cancer or non-malignant conditions e.g. MS, MND or heart failure).
Applicable subjects
* Palliative care
* Nursing and midwifery
* Medicine and health related studies
Application details
Applications may be submitted from 06-May-2009 until 16-Nov-2009
Information about the funding
Applications are invited for these new scholarships to enable UK-based students with an interest in conducting research into pain to study for the MSc in Palliative Care at King’s College London, part-time over two years, commencing January 2010.
Specified use
Each scholarship will fund the course tuition fees, travel, accommodation and books.
Application procedure
Please apply online and then send the following documentation to us here in the department:
* Your CV
* A letter of support from your current employer
* Personal statement (500-800 words) in support of your application, explaining your reasons for applying, what you hope to gain from the MSc, your ability to complete the programme of study, and your interest in pain research.
Contact details
Contact at King’s
Sian Best
Education & Finance Manager
Department of Palliative Care, Policy & Rehabilitation
King’s College London
Cutcombe Road
London SE5 9RJ
Tel +44 207 848 5584
Fax +44 207 848 5517
Funding provider
The Samuel Sebba Trust
Doctoral Scholarships Computer Science and Engineering in Italy 2009 2010
Doctoral Programs
Competitions for admission are open in the following Ph.D. Programs at IMT:
Computer Science and Engineering
The doctoral program aims at preparing researchers and professionals with a wide knowledge about the foundations of informatics and about its applications to a variety of systems and disciplines, focusing on aspects of particular importance in the present context. The new version of informatics is changing the perspective of other disciplines and several aspects of common life, and is the target of very active research in the international scene.
Economics, Markets, Institutions
The program aims at dealing with issues in political economy, applied public economics, the functioning of industries and markets, the impact of macroeconomics on productivity and growth. A distinctive feature of the Ph.D. program is the integration of theoretical, technical, and practical expertise, aimed to educate highly qualified professionals, who analyze, plan, and manage concrete interventions of political economy. Theoretical methodologies and models are generated and tested, through the systematic investigation of the real world, with a distinctive focus on concrete observation of markets and their actors. At the end of the program, students are able to identify commonalities as well as distinctive characters of economies, markets, and industries.
Management and Development of Cultural Heritage
Ph.D. in cooperation with Politecnico di Torino
The program trains both researchers and professionals, able to operate at the highest levels of management of Cultural Heritage and Landscape, in both public and private institutions. The program integrates concepts and methods from several domains (humanities, economics, law, information technologies, material sciences) in the analysis of cultural heritage and landscape. The program provides a consistent multidisciplinary path where students are provided with competencies which nowadays cannot be obtained but through particular self-training initiatives. The job market today has to rely on various professional figures - thus incurring conflicts and standstills in the decision-making process - or is forced to choose only one competence among all the needed ones. A distinctive feature of the program is the involvement of Ph.D. students in projects, both on local and international scale, so as to make them familiar with the complex management of cultural heritage and landscape.
Political Systems and Institutional Change
The Ph.D. in Political Systems and Institutional Change is a multidisciplinary course analysing, in a comparative perspective, institutions in their historical, political, sociological, economic and legal features. Special attention will be devoted to processes of institutional change. The Ph.D. aims at forming political analysts able to: plan and manage collaborative and integrated processes at the international level; analyse and assess policies and institutional settings at a supranational, national and regional level; confront the specific problems of countries in transition towards democracy and a market economy.
Duration: 3 years
Language: Courses and seminars are held in English. Foreign Ph.D. students are required to attend an Italian Language and Culture Course.
Classes begin in March 2010.
The deadline for applications is December 4, 2009 at 18:00 (Italian time).
Application Online:
Labels: Others
PocketAlarm 2.18.4
Sep 17, 2009
Price: Free
Unlimited alarms and reminders for Windows Mobile devices, WAV, MP3 and OGG support, today plug-in, handwritten notes, talking clock.
Never miss an appointment or overlook an alarm again. Create recurring MP3 alarms with handwritten notes. See upcoming alarms on the Today screen of your device. Create, edit, view and delete complex recurring or pattern-based alarms. Launch applications on alarm.
· Unlimited number of alarms.
· Set an alarm on any date.
· Set a monthly alarm.
· Set a weekly alarm.
· Set a daily alarm (choose by weekdays).
· Support for MP3, OGG, WAV.
· Can play files stored on your storage card.
· Can randomly play files stored in the same directory.
· Quick handwritten alarm notes.
· Today plug-in.
· Female voice telling current time (only in the version with MP3 support).
Labels: Others
USB device is not recognized Solve your problem
I am suffering with a serious problem, its a common one though and I found many matches searching on google but none of them could resolve my problem.
First of all i describe where the problem started from,
I have purchased a new laptop having Windows vista and a new USB device. At first the USB device was working fine but today, when I plugged in the USB device I got the the message
"USB device is not recognized" and after a while the " Installing softwarefor new device" is displayed followed by finished successfuly.
but I didn't get any removable device in windows explorer.
One more thing, I always get the icon for removable disc even though the USB device is not plugged in, may be its an image that I am unable to remove. when I right click on it and select remove, it give me message the device is ready to remove just like if any USB device is connected and I am trying to remove it.
After this when I tried to plug the same USB device to my desktop computer the same error message I got. while, before this the same device was working fine in my desktop computer.
I tried the following available solutions,
1 Uninstalling all the USB root HUB and restarting the system then waiting for window to install all the drivers. then replug the USB devices but got the same error message.
2. opening the device manager went on view menu and selected view hidden files and deleted all the images at the USB section but still unable to solve the problem.
3. shut down the computer and disconnect it from power source and started after 2 minuts (so that everything including motherboard should be restarted) but didn't get the problem solved.
Labels: Tutorial
DVD Converter Studio Tutorial to convert mts video and burn DVD
What is Wondershare DVD Converter Studio?
Wondershare DVD Converter Studio is a fast all-in-one DVD Video software, by providing you a one stop solution for family video/DVD conversion and burning DVD. What can Wondershare DVD Converter Studio do for you?
1. Convert DVD to Video\Audio You can convert DVD movies to most popular video format, so you can watch it on your computer, cellphone, PSP, iPod and other
2. Convert video file(s) between all popular video formats including AVI, MKV, MP4, WMV, FLV, MPEG etc.
3. Burn video files to DVD (includes
Why is it fast?
It supports Multi-Core, take full advantage of your PC power.
Sounds great? Now I am going to show you how to use it. Here we go. First, please download Wondershare DVD Converter studio, install and running it.
In part one, I will show you how to convert DVD video files.
In part two, I will show you how burn video to DVD.
Also there is advanced
Part one - How to convert DVD video files and clone video
Step 1: import your DVD/video There are 2 ways to select your input DVD/video file(s)
1. Click "File" button in the menu list and then you can load both DVD/video file directly.
2. Click "Add Video" button to load video. And click "Load DVD" to load DVD from DVD Rom/Folder (data DVD) /IFO /ISO files respectively.
Step 2: Output settings
The second step is for output settings. Here it is necessary for you to select the following output settings.
Select an output video format
Select your desired output format from the categorized output formats list in "Profile" drop-down list, and specify the output directory to save your converted files in "Output" drop-down list.
Set output parameters
After selecting output format, you can set the related video/audio parameters (resolution, frame rate, video encoder, bit rate, sample rate and audio channel etc) in "Settings" window by clicking .
After everything is set up simply hit the Start button. A conversion progress screen will be shown during the process where you can preview the video. Users of slower systems will probably want to disable the preview as it uses more CPU cycles.
Labels: Tutorial
Nokia 3G Netbook Price and specifications
The Booklet 3G is a 10.1 inch netbook which has great connectivity options including 3G broadband, Wifi, A-GPS, Bluetooth. It has a SIM card slot which supports hot-swappable functionality. It is powered by Intel's 1.6 GigaHertz Atom processor and will come with a storage space of 120 GigaBytes.
The mini-laptop weighs 1.25 Kilograms and will cost around US$800 which is quite heavy in terms of the price. And super bulky if you consider using this as a phone.
Detailed specs are listed below:
Nokia Booklet 3G Specifications:
CPU: Intel Atom Z530 1.60GHz
RAM: n/a
HDD: 120GB
Weight: 1.25 Kgs
Screen size: 10.1 inch HD (1366×768)
Battery Life: 12 hours
Other Features:
- 3G/HSPA Broadband
- Wifi
- Bluetooth
- 3 x USB 2.0
- 1 x HDMI
- 1 x line out
- 1 x mic-in
- 1 x SD Card Reader
Labels: Laptop
LG introduces XPION X30 Ion-based nettop
Gallery: LG XPION X30
Labels: News
First Android Phone from LG - LG GW620 - pic and Video
Labels: Mobile Phones
Lenovo ThinkPad T400s with Multitouch - Pics+Video
Labels: Gadgets
A Seat at the Table by Marc Miller
The title “A Seat at the Table” written by Marc Miller suggests his own styled paradigms of selling, the mechanisms which are formed on an entirely diverse approach to selling; that is based on an easy notion. Primarily, the punters care about value of product or stuff. Once again, no cost, no product utility, yet the value of the product or gadget the client require.
For sales force, the exercise is tedious, as this demand maneuvering to sell the stuff at a reasonable price. We understand and accept that the punters are only taking care for the worth of any stuff. So the worth or value means many assorted things, basing on the client’s demands.
Let us discuss in some more detail about the value or worth; it means understanding, knowledge, brainstorming, idea and analytic support and so on.
As we go ahead by reading the book, we come across that there is one additional terminology, such as ‘strategic’. A client’s requirement for value, he is practically stating a requirement for “strategic support”.
In case we may come across and found the cliché of successful sales, then we would be truly assisting the punters, and this needs to be further assessed that, whether today’s sales workforce can sufficiently extend strategic assistance.
A New Enemy – a part of Miller’s book, narrates a research undertaken for a larger number of punters of a mega Fortune 500 company. On our enquiry to judge the sales workforce, with respect to their ability to lend the strategic support, the punters gave it a rating of 4.1 on an index of 10.
No doubt, Marc Miller’s book is written in a very well manner and very impressive. It is truly a best guide for sales professionals. I would truly suggest for reading it:
Title: A Seat at the Table
Author: Marc Miller
Publisher’s URL:
Price, Publication Date: USD 19.95, 2009
No related posts.
Labels: Others
Samsung HMX-U10 Full HD Camcorder
- Tuesday, July 28, 2009, 16:58
- Camcorders, Cameras, Gadgets, Misc, Portables, Technology
Samsung’s gadget - SAMSUNG HMX-U10 camcorder, that is a finer recourse for the people, who are looking for a camcorder – that is a fusion of HD capabilities, like advanced video recording and so on, so this is a best choice for advanced users. And those who only are interested to opt for a low level, this is not something of their choice. Its price tag is USD 200.
Samsung’s latest designed pocket camcorder facilitates the comfort of use, having 10mp snaps capability either as well as point-and-shot capability either. Highly fast to upload any site, like Twitter, YouTube and so on. Besides, this also attaches a 1/2.3” CMOS sensor.
HMX-U10 is offering a 2” LCD display to see and appraise the photos and videos. Its dimensions are 56 x 103 x 15.5mm with 95g weight (including the battery), the HMX-U10 is fully compact and composed. This model claims enfolding along 10mp and 1920×1080 high class video capabilities.
HMX-U10 also supports a 2” LCD for framing, adding some primary provisions to control, like 1/2.3” CMOS, having a feature of fixed setting and also not having any feature like zooming.
By producing a distinctive camcorder, Samsung has aptly shown its knack that is reminiscent of high quality and standard. This HMX-U10 is also having an expandable SD storing capacity.
It is quite clear and what we are witnessing one thing, that mostly camcorders are tended to be produced of limited categories, so this may narrow the options for the punters, so there is need to review for capable imaging capacities of latest cell phones.
Right now, we can’t say which widget will lead and which may lag behind, yet the fact is that, whichever gizmo would carry maximum features and functionalities, that would won and make a higher niche in the open houses.
Labels: Camera
Samsung Jet Latest Price And Specifications
Fitted with 3.1 inch WVGA AMOLED display and a 800MHz processor, Samsung Jet support the latest smartphone features including a multi-task manager, Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync, and a 3D media gate UI.
Connectivity options include BLuetooth v2.1, microUSB, WiFi, 3.5mm ear jack, ana a microSD slot. The 3D media gate interface on the jet allows users to access multimedia features by rolling a six sided cube on the screen, while touch Wiz 2.0 supports motion UI, smart unlock, and customisable widgets.
Samsung's Dolfin internet browser allows users to view up to five web pages simultaneously, and use a built in ad-blocker while surfing. Samsung Jet also boasts a host of multimedia features including a 5 megapixel camera, built in GPS, DNSe and SRS Sound, and MPEG4 video support.
Cost In India: Rs 24,150
Labels: Mobile Phones
Moser Baer MP 565 Indian: Price and Specification
For those looking for an inexpensive, tiny MP3 player-ideally to use in gym-the MP 565 from Moser Baer would be worthy of consideration.
The device is equipped with an LCd screen(96x32 pixels resolution) and 2GB of flash memory, which can hold around 500 MP3 songs on average.
The USB 2.0 gadget supports MP3 and WMA audio formats, and claims up to five hours of battery life.
Cost In India: Rs 1,490
For More Detail Visit:
Labels: Gadgets
Sony Cyber Shot DSC T900 Price And Specifications
Sony's new compact digital camera, the 12.1 megapixel Cyber-shot DSC-T900, promises a host of features in a 16.3mm-thin body. Equipped with a Carl Zeiss lens that offers 4X optical zoom, the gadget can click 4000X3000 pixel images at ISO 3200 sensitivity. The device sports a 3.5-inch touchscreen LCD that lets usres easily access a range of pre-loaded programs for editing photos.
The digicam features face detection, anti blur, smile shutter, anti blink, and image stabilisation technologies.
It is also capable of recording videos in high definiton(720p) at 30 frames per second( fps), and comes with a built in stereo microphone for audio capture. Fitted with a battery that boasts of clicking 200 shots for a single charge.
Cost In India: Rs 22,990
For More Detail Visit:
Labels: Camera
Sep 16, 2009
Sony has launched its new high definition camcorder 'Cybershot HDR-CX120' at the company showroom in Tokyo on monday (21st January, 2009). The gadget is equipped with a 4 megapixel CMOS sensor and 10x optical Zoom.
The camera can record up to 13 hour of footage on its 16Gb of built in flash memory,, which can be expanded via a memory card.
Sony will put this gadget in the market this month.
For more Details: CLICK HERE
Labels: Camera
nostradamus predictions about india
nostradamus predictions about india part 1
Meanwhile, he predicts, after seven years of furious warfare, the Moslems will be totally wiped out. There will be no trace left of either Mecca or Medina. Somanath will be avenged a billion times over. The creed of Muhammad will vanish forever. The European countries who despoiled India will not be let off either. Flames will engulf Rome as Hindu soldiers advance on Paris overcomming the barrier of the Alps. The Pope will fly from his lair. Much of Europe will repudiate the false tenets of Christianity. The ancient sway of Hinduism will be restored. Vedic chants will again fill the air.
nostradamus predictions about india readings between the lines
The great Hindu leader who will wipe out our enemies will hence be a south Indian who offers worship on Thursdays. It is easy to see why Nostradamus specifically mentions Thursday as the holy day. It is only Hindus who consider Thursday sacred. Moslems pray on Friday; Jews bow before God on Saturday; Christians bawl hymns on Sunday at church. Nostradamus is making it clear here that the conqueror will be a Hindu from South India. He will bind Asia together under his rule. The Hindu leader, however, will not be a tyrant. He will be ruthless with the Moslem fanatics. But he will win over the communists by persuading them of the timeless varieties of Hinduism. Russia will become India's ally:
nostradamus predictions about india part 2
The Hindu hero will march from his base, Crossing the Apennines to enter France, Conquering the clouds and seas ice, All enemies will fall before his lance. Paris will be taken after a fierce siege.
Hadrian will be killed in a vain defence. At this juncture, Nostradamus makes a curious abservation. He predicts that a tree in the centre of Paris will crash down. What tree? Could it be the Eiffel Tower, built more than 300 years after his death? From a distance the Eiffel Tower rather resembles a giant oak-tree.
What of the date of the beginning of the titanic fight which will send India on a holy war? Nostradamus provides a precise answer
related tags : nostradamus predictions about india ,what nostradamus predictions about india ,nostradamus predictions about india details ,nostradamus india
Labels: Others
tancet mba counselling 2009 details
anna university tancet mba counselling 2009 procedure
tancet mba counselling schedule
to apply for anna university tancet mba counselling one should fill the following form and submit before june 30
tancet mba counselling application form
I n order to expedite the admission process, Candidates may be called for tancet mba counselling 2009 . Candidates should attend the tancet mba counselling 2009 at their own cost and risk. More number of candidates than the seats available may be called and seats will be filled on the basis of merit tancet mba counselling 2009 among the candidates present at the time of counselling following the rule of reservation
prescribed by the Government of Tamil Nadu.
Candidates who do not attend the tancet mba counselling 2009 on the prescribed date and time can not claim any right for admission at a later date. Candidates who have passed all the subjects of the qualifying examination alone will be permitted to attend the tancet mba counselling 2009 .
When a candidate is provisionally selected in for admission during tancet mba counselling 2009 he/she is required to remit initial sum of Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees Five thousand only) in the form of DD immediately and join the programme. Otherwise the offer of admission will automatically stand
Candidates who have passed the qualifying examination but has not yet received the provisional/ Degree certificate have to produce the provisional / degree certificate on or before 02.09.2009. The provisional admission of those candidates who fail to produce the said certificate on or before the specified date of tancet mba counselling 2009 , even if eligible otherwise, will automatically stand cancelled, such candidates have to discontinue the programme.
IMPORTANT DATES - anna university tancet mba counselling schedule
Last Date for receipt of completed application: 30.06.2009 by 5.30 pm .
anna university tancet mba rank list
when is anna university tancet mba counselling 2009 - from 25 july (tentative)
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Labels: Result
prabhu deva and nayanthara marriage ?
prabhu deva nayanthara marriage - Cooked up Story ?
The shocking news of 'prabhu deva marriage' or 'nayantara marriage' has created waves in the movie industry. there was also roumers that prabhu deva and nayanthara married on june 7th in a temle in hyderabad
Sensational queen 'nayantara ' was in Hyderabad for the launch of 'Hakim`s Alim Tatoo Store' and put a tatoo on her wrist with a letter 'P' in English and the rest in Tamil, which reads as 'prabhu deva marriage' which gave a way to the rumour.
prabhu deva andnayantara marriage news broke out ,nayanthara in anger made a clear statement that there is no need for her to hide her marriage and also said, that, she would be very happy, to inform her parents and the media about her marriage.
The media tried to reach 'prabhu deva `s' & ‘nayantara’ over phone to clarify regarding this news aboutprabhu deva nayanthara marriage , but failed as their phones were not reachable, and then the media, cooked up the whole story of 'prabhu deva marriage & nayantara marriage`s marriage' which was in Gossip headlines.
Do you think 'nayantara ' is giving hidden signals for 'prabhu deva marriage' for future?
The choreographer, actor-turned-director Prabhu Deva is a married man with three children, and went through a harrowing time a few months back when he lost his eldest son. The buzz was that it was Nayan, who gave him strength to come out of his personal grief, which was compounded by the fact that his marriage with Ramlath, his one-time dance assistant, was on the rocks. all this attributes to prabhu deva nayanthara marriage
Speaking to Media Nayanthara said: “Even I heard about my marriage. Isn’t that funny? I’m not even in Hyderabad right now. Everyone knows that I am a very open person and when I decide to get married, I will officially announce it to the media. I believe in the institution of marriage and when it happens, it will be with the blessing of my parents. I don’t need to do it secretly.”
related tags : prabhu deva and nayanthara marriage ,prabhu deva marriage,prabhu deva nayanthara, prabhu deva in love with nayantara, prabhu deva marriage photos, are prabhu deva and nayanthara married , nayanthara wedding photos
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